is an online safety training company offering real-world training that is intended to change behavior, increase awareness and elevate safety education in all aspects of the school environment. Cultivated to be relevant and captivating, this one-of-a-kind online safety program was created by safety experts, educators and risk managers to equip you with the actionable knowledge to keep your schools safe.
Learn more about our First-of-its-Kind Online School Safety Training Series Featuring:
A Day in the Life of a School Tragedy
Active Shooter Training
Bleeding Control Training
Mental Health Training
And More…

Proud To Be Partnering With The TSBA

We have partnered with Tennessee School Boards Association to deliver the first-of-its-kind safety training to school board members across the state. The learning modules encompass a superintendent giving an actual account of an active shooter event, active shooter training and bleeding control lessons by a trained law enforcement SWAT officer, and mental health awareness by leading education psychologists, and workplace injury prevention by lifelong school safety experts.

Now Approved for:
TSBA School Board Academy Credit
TASL – Tennessee Academy for School Leaders
EILA – KY DOE Effective Instructional Act
"This training series exceeded my expectations! It is real-world, compelling and will leave you with a lingering awareness of what our schools face each day. Without a doubt, I believe every School Board Member and Educator should take advantage of this training."
Tammy Grissom, Ed. D.
Executive Director
Tennessee School Boards Association
Click PLAY on this video to get a preview of our training.
The Safety of Students and Educators is our ONLY priority.
Together, we're facing a challenge that can seem daunting. Currently, our public schools are facing a myriad of threats to the stability and the safety of the learning environment for our children, our educators, and the staff who make the schools run smoothly. We've risen to help address the threats and have you prepared.

All Videos
Compelling Content
That Impacts Culture

This training series has been cultivated with care and a desire to truly make a difference.
Our series begins with a firsthand account of an actual school shooting in Benton, Kentucky, and the days that follow. Armed with this gripping account, the Active Shooter Training is next in the Series. This is a high-intensity training that will leave you with a lingering awareness of the threats we face each day. You will be immersed in actual body camera footage from active shooting events across the country along with details on the reality of what real physical security looks like, and more importantly - how to achieve it.
Next is the Bleeding Control Training, which offers simple life-saving techniques so you are never forced to stand by while someone dies - when saving their life could be accomplished in a few simple steps.
Mental health affects how we think, feel, act, handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Our conversational approach to this important topic allows you to sit with mental health professionals as they share their expertise and insight as it relates to students, teachers and school administrators.
The final portion of the series is Preparedness for the Preventable - raising awareness of unnecessary everyday injuries that occur in schools and the cost these injuries have on a school system.

build a culture of safety with us
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