Our training is unique because we use dramatic, real-world scenarios and firsthand accounts of actual events to impact behavior from within, not just an instructor sharing information that only affects knowledge. Our approach is proven to affect behavior and organizational culture.
Our training works best when followed according to the sequence below:
1. Creating a Culture of Readiness: A Firsthand Account of a School Tragedy
(2 hours)
This training gives an actual account of the day and the days following an active shooting event at the Marshall County High School campus in Benton, Kentucky on January 23, 2018 from the firsthand perspective of the schools superintendent who was on the scene that day. There were two students killed this day and 18 non-fatal injuries. Of those injuries, 14 were from gunfire discharged by a student on campus. Trent Lovett is the superintendent of schools and offers his recount and advice for school administration and employees as he looks back on this day and the lessons learned. This first-person account of a tragic day is both informative and heartbreaking.
Chapter 1: A day in the life of an Active Shooter Event
Chapter 2: Take-aways from the Unthinkable
2. Awareness and Response to Active Shooter Threats (2 hours & 1 hour)
This active shooter training video offers details from many well-known active shooting events across the country including body camera footage and police scanner sound bites. The training is taught by a retired law enforcement officer with more than two decades of experience in thousands of high-risk tactical operations, giving him the experience and first-hand knowledge. This is a high intensity video that will leave you with a lingering awareness of threats that face us each day. The teaching of the D.E.F.E.N.D. acronym offers insight to the reality of what real physical security looks like and, more importantly, how to achieve it.
Awareness & Response to Active Shooter Threats
Readiness for Uncertainty in our Schools
Chapter 1: Lessons from History
Chapter 2: The Active Shooter
Chapter 3: How to D.E.F.E.N.D.
Chapter 4: The Importance of Hard Corners and Bleeding Control
3. Bleeding Control Training (1 hour)
Uncontrolled bleeding is the #1 cause of preventable death after trauma. This training video offers simple techniques to save lives. Every person in the world should see this video - learn from this video and never have to stand by and watch someone die when saving their life could be accomplished in a few simple steps.
4. A Conversation about Mental Health (2 hours)
Aimed at proactively addressing our students' mental wellness and the myriad issues and challenges they can face, this conversation shares expertise and insight that raises significant awareness for school administrators, teachers and students and how they can take action. This discussion takes place between Dr. Annita Kerr D’Amico, Ed.D., CWC and Dr. Rene’ Rochester, Ed.D.
Dr. Annita Kerr-D’Amico is the director of Common Care Coaching at Cornerstone Medical and is currently co-authoring the Culturally Wired Brain: Your Mother Tongue of Learning. She is also the Executive Director of a primary school in Haiti. Dr. Rochester is the CEO and Founder PHAT STAR Learning, LLC. She was the first African American to earn a Doctorate of Health Education from the University of Texas at Austin. She has 30 years of hands on experience as a teacher of youth and those who serve them.
5. New Roles and Culture Shifts in Education (30 minutes)
Professor Cobb has worked in education for 21 years as a teacher, school counselor and administrator at the district and state level. Her professional experience has allowed her to link research to practice in the field of school counseling, specifically as it relates to school climate, crisis response and school counselor effectiveness. Dr. Cobb is currently the Associate Chair and Associate Professor of the Practice - Human & Organizational Development at Vanderbilt University and the Director of School Counseling for Metro-Nashville Public Schools. Her candid answers to questions relating to mental health and dramatic, real-world scenarios to impact behavior from within.
6. Preparedness for the Preventable: Workers’ Compensation (1 hour)
A video that focuses on preventable injuries that occur to teachers, school nutrition, custodial, maintenance, and transportation staff.A training video that provides awareness for everyday injuries that happen at schools. This video outlines personal injury prevention such as: same-level slips, trips and falls, falls from heights, strains sprains and exertions. It also outlines the impact these injuries can have on your workers' compensation. Having leadership responsibility is for schools, what takes place in those schools is ultimately your responsibility.
Having leadership responsibility for and oversight over our schools, what takes place in those schools is ultimately your responsibility. We have created specific training for you to understand the totality of where your risk lies in the schools and keeping your students, your employees, and our schools safe. From the everyday accidental injury to the unthinkable tragedy, you will be equipped to understand the issues, what they’re costing your schools and most importantly, how to prevent them.
Our teachers make up about 50% of all injuries in our educational environments, yet keeping them in the classroom is vitally important. Our teacher safety training is designed to help teachers stay focused on not taking unnecessary risks in and around their classrooms. In this training video, we focus on three of the most common injury types and the ways to prevent them: slips and falls, falls from heights and lifting injuries.
Our custodial staff play an integral role in keeping our schools clean, operational, and safe. Our custodian safety training is designed to help custodians remain free from the hazards that can come with an often strenuous role. In this training video, we focus on overall prevention of injury in the custodial role, but we also take a dramatic look at three scenes we see happen too often: a lifting injury, a chemical splash, and a rushed waxing job.
Whether your maintenance staff is a shared service with the central office or directly employed by the school, they are constantly in harm's way and if they're not focused, it can result in serious injury. In this video, we take a look at overall injury awareness and prevention, but also experience some dramatic re-enactments of three real-world tragedies: a fall from a ladder, a lifting injury and a tragic lock-out/tag-out mistake.
Perhaps no other school staff have as many hazards to negotiate as our school nutrition staff do. Piping hot ovens, razor-sharp knives and greasy, slippery floors demand that our school nutrition personnel be mindful of their surroundings, while also serving our students with care. In this video, we take a dramatic look at three common injuries: a distracted cut to the skin, a rushed burn injury at the oven and a slip and fall from behind a serving line during a busy lunch.
Our bus drivers carry our precious cargo to and from school every day, and unlike every other school staff department, their workplace is behind the wheel where we all know what tragedies could occur. In this training video, we take a look at hazards in the work-lives of our transportation staff as well as a deeper analysis of a rushed decision resulting in a fall, an emergency evacuation drill that goes wrong, and an injury during a pre-trip inspection.